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Employee Commendation

Hello Dr. Khoshkhou. I currently receive PT at Rehabneeds in Rockville, MD. I am 80 years old, with moderate scoliosis and spinal disk degeneration. I wish to commend your employee, Physical Therapist, Rachelle Oncena. I have received PT for a variety of problems over the years. Ms. Oncena seems to go above and beyond the usual that I have experienced. Her skill in muscle manipulation is exceptional, as she uses just the right amount of force. Ms. Oncena seems to be invested in my recovery and takes my questions and concerns seriously. She takes the time to explain what was happening in my body, and how treatment is designed to alleviate the pain. I believe Ms. Oncena deserves special recognition for her empathetic, personable, and skillful treatment. She obviously puts her heart into her work, and it is much appreciated.

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